“Ass over Ollume”

This week we worked on what creates density. Density equals: mass divided by volume. Mass is the amount of weight or insides in something. Think of a log: the weight and, well, mass of it can decide if you could carry it or drag it or move it in any way. Volume is the size of an object. Think of a bubble: a bubble can have a large size (volume) but doesn’t have anything inside (mass). When you divide mass over volume you get density. Density is the thickness, the opacity of sorts. Think of your head: your head’s very dense (no pun intended) if it wasn’t it would be like mist or fog rather than the think meaty bulb of your mind.

In science class we learned a trick. The trick goes:

“Don’t break my heart (draws a heart and crosses it with a line. It creates a m and a v.) ass over ollume! (Writes “ass” behind the m and “ollume” behind the v.)”

What is a better way to describe Mass?

Did I explain Density correctly?

Why do you divide mass over volume?

One thought on ““Ass over Ollume”

  1. Great post Alex, just to be sure when you describe volume as not having “anything” inside – unless it is a vacuum there will be particles that represent mass inside. Let’s touch base on this concept in class:)

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