Grasslands (11/15/2020)

Grasslands are all over the the Earth. They cover over 20% of land and hold at least 80 of Earth’s animal species. They hold many of Earth wonders as well. They are found in six of the planets contanents. There’s the prairies, the veldts, the pampas, and the steppes. The prairies are in North America; […]

Natural Succession 11/8/2020

This week, in class, we learned what natural succession is. Natural succession is the process where species grow larger and stronger to make a healthy environment. The first kind of succession is primary succession. Primary succession is where a desolate and uninhabitable plot of ld is turned into a new and beautiful habitat. The process […]

The Jaguar’s Jaw

Jaguar’s have the fourth strongest bite force of any animal on Earth. They kill their prey by piercing the skull and brain with one bite. They can even take on caimans, which are crocodile relatives who are just as dangerous. Jaguars have been known for even eating children who wander to far away from their […]

“Eye See You!”

In Botswana farmers painted eyes on the butts of their cows. The eyes were put there because all of the African Lions were eating the cows. The lions wouldn’t attack the cows because they thought that the cows could see them. The farmers did a test: they sent out cows with butt eyes and cows […]

9/13 Owl Post

Dear Mrs. Cuttatree, I am a Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus). I am 25 centimeters tall, 90 – 194 grams and my wingspan is 30.8 – 38.4 centimeters. My clutches can have up to 19 eggs! My species is already endangered so if you cut the forest I might go extinct! I have excellent hearing even […]

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